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Jiangsu starts transplanting rice seedlings 天天时快讯

2023-05-10 12:29:20 来源:ourjiangsu.com


East China’s Jiangsu province has started to transplant the early variety of rice seedlings in parts of Zhenjiang and Changzhou though the transplanting on a massive scale is yet to come in more than 20 days. Let’s take a close look.

Daizhuang Village, Tianwang Town of Jurong City is currently transplanting early maturing rice varieties. Since the end of April, 1000 mu of rice have been transplanted in the entire village. Farmers say that they plant green manure crops in winter to improve soil fertility so that they can level the crop fields and transplant early rice in late April,

Thanks to the promotion of renewable rice cultivation technology, farmers can increase the yield of rice per mu to around 500 kilograms.

“Early transplanting allows for early harvest and early market share, as we retain the second round of recycled rice, which can reduce costs, increase yield, and ensure the taste of the rice.The first batch of early maturing rice varieties will be harvested around August 10th, which is about a month and a half earlier than the harvest of conventional transplanted rice”, Ren Guangming, Technician of Daizhuang Organic Agriculture Professional Cooperative in Tianwang Town, Jurong, said.

Huangjin Village, Jintan District, Changzhou City recently transplanted 60 mu of early rice. Rice duck intercropping and biological pest control were adopted throughout the entire process, and a complete set of bowl seedling planting techniques were also introduced, saving agricultural costs and improving rice quality.The early rice that is expected to be harvested on August 15th has been booked out.

“Bowl seedling cultivation technology can save the use of seeds. Conventional carpet seedlings cost 3 kilograms per acre, while bowl seedlings cost about 2 kilograms per acre. The early rice had already been booked by Zenith Steel Group, ensuring us with economic benefits”, Li Hang, head of Huangjin Village Stock Economic Cooperative, Zhulin Town, Jintan District, Changzhou, said.

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