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need to do和need doing的区别被动(need to do和need doing的区别)

2023-06-24 23:14:21 来源:


1、简单初级的讲: need to do 需要做某事 need doing 是需要被做有被动的意思 如;I need to wash my clothes. My clothes need washing. need doing = need to be done I need to mend my bike. My bike needs mending.具体的说:need to do sth实义动词 need doing sth,表示被动人+need +to do 物+need +doing 物+need +to be done 请看下面的例子: 1.We need to collect the parcel before we leave for England.去英国之前,我们需要收拾好行李。

2、 2.We need to tell him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。

3、 3.My car needs repairing.我的汽车需要修理。


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